: Sent feedback about the “required reason” APIs that we need to read the system boot time to destroy …

: John Gruber: This trick does not work in Safari on iPadOS, because iPads are baby computers where …

: Is there a way to have the initialiser of an Objective-C class be migrated into Swift as a required …

: Received a Bluesky invitation code many many months after registering my interest. Now I can finally …

: Looking forward to seeing people today for an NSLondon pub evening while Chris Eidhof is in London. …

: Accidentally left the iPad Simulator recording the screen for 7h 52m. The file is only 200 MB …

: Back from a terrific weekend seeing friends in Berlin. I worked all day on the train from London …

: Pull to reload in Safari on iPad continues to be a bad feature. I often trigger it accidentally, …

: We hit the 10,000 limit on TestFlight testers for PDF Viewer a while ago. Using the new filtering …

: I’m really pleased how well our NSLondon events are going with our expanded organisers team. Great …

: When you get a new bug B with a description identical to an older bug A, and you can fix B by …

: I miss the Mac behaviour where some apps would quit automatically after closing their last window. …

: Cool a new Swift conference in England, coming next May. swiftcraft.uk

: Any recommendations for a plain text notes/scratchpad app with CloudKit sync? Importance: iPad > …

: Compiling an existing iOS codebase for visionOS breaks the deprecation cycle. You end up with …

: With Xcode 15, is there a way to get rid of wireless options in the run destination picker? This …

: It’s really tempting seeing the try! Swift Tokyo conference announced for 2024. I had an amazing …

: Oh no I just tried turning on Sonoma’s new text size setting for system apps on my father’s Mac. …

: Seeing a situation on our iOS app like this: Use memory -> receive memory warning Cut our memory …

: ➡️ Innsbruck 🚆 Munich 🚆 Frankfurt 🚆 Brussels 🚆 London

: Typing auto-completion is really good on macOS Sonoma; I feel more productive. Shame it‘s not as …

: Nice surprise from the Apple event is that the OS updates are coming to iPhone, iPad and Mac this …

: Updated my reading app for compatibility with iOS 17. In addition, the app now has an archive to …

: Self-sizing table view cells were introduced in iOS 8 in 2014. No need to truncate lines of text! …

: Auto-correction with a hardware keyboard on iPad doesn’t seem better on iOS 17. Still need to …

: Wow Xcode 15 beta 8. I don’t recall there being an 8 before. Looking in Xcodes, I see Xcode 11 went …

: Updated KeyboardKit to support iOS 17 and Xcode 15. Xcode 14 is still works too. No functionality …

: Good turnaround on documentation Feedback I sent to Apple. They added the bold text to clarify …

: Since Apple removed the device support files that everyone used, did anyone find a way run an app …

: If an Apple Bluetooth Magic Mouse/Trackpad/Keyboard normally paired to an iPad is paired to a device …

: My first time managing to crash RealityEnvironment in the Vision Simulator. The world fades to …

: The new .inspector modifier for trailing sidebars is not available on visionOS 😢 Hard to get a sense …

: That narrows things down. The following API for accessing user defaults requires reasons for use. …

: I thought I heard it was possible to upload Vision apps to TestFlight (even though not many people …

: visionOS is quite strict. “Spatial presentations are not permitted from popovers.” 🧑‍🏫

: visionOS “upcoming events, testing opportunities, and other programs” are still “Available in July”. …

: Mac quarantine seems a bit eager. Shows these scary alerts when opening files with the quarantine …

: iOSDevUK ticket booked. Thinking about going hiking in Snowdonia the weekend before. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

: I feel I must be missing something, but I can’t find any info saying Apple Volume Purchase Program …

: Not fully understanding the new beta installation flow. I’m signed into my personal account (not my …

: I noticed this WWDC session (and probably others) never says “Vision”. Always “this platform”. …

: If the new product line is called  Vision, will AirPods be renamed to  Hearing?

: New text selection magnifying glass is bold.

: Looking back at old photo albums, for some reason I have one called “WWDC highlights” containing …

: We have a few spaces left at our NSLondon WWDC keynote viewing party at Deloitte Digital in London. …

: The readability problems with forms in Ventura are also a problem at narrower widths with iOS menus …

: My top wish for WWDC: Spotlight on iPad to be as fast as it was on iOS 14. (Ideally as fast as …

: Around we go again. Today is my 8th PSPDFBirthday. 🎂

: Registration is now open for our server-side Swift NSLondon event at AWS during WWDC week.

: Really excited to have two NSLondon events during WWDC week: Mon: Keynote viewing party at Deloitte …

: Stage Manager on the Mac never sounded interesting to me so I never tried it. Then yesterday I …

: Fantastic to see the Text Size setting on Mac. Hope at WWDC we see this extended automatically to …

: Mac Dictionary app is having trouble parsing the Wikipedia page on strikethrough, resulting in most …

: I’m looking for ways to remove inactive TestFlight testers because we’ve hit our 10000 people limit …

: If Apple allowed iOS apps to use payment methods other than App Store IAP, the UX could be improved …

: Following up on my post yesterday about iOS version usage stats, here’s data aggregated from three …

: Wonder if the Unsubscribe link in TestFlight email notifications will ever, you know, just …

: If we were only making an app, we could use the metrics on iOS version usage from our app on App …

: What’s the best resource these days for checking iOS version usage stats? Apple’s numbers aren’t …

: How best to handle “pencilling in” on a calendar? I end the event name with ? if the date is …

: We’re hiring for an experienced iOS engineer on my team at PSPDFKit. Our iOS team is 5 engineers …

: I just found out you can press Q while using the iPad cmd-tab app switch to remove an app from the …

: I didn’t receive the UK government test emergency alert because at home my iPhone is always in …

: Busy week for iOS in London with NSCoder Night tonight and NSLondon tomorrow.

: Is it just us, or were app status change email notifications not sent by App Store Connect in the …

: Quick Look has been broken on my Mac for a while, but today I realised it works fine from Alfred, …

: Managed to leave Handoff turned on for 1 hour before the constant shifting of the Mac dock was too …

: Innsbruck 🚆 Vienna

: The use of the terms parent and child for hierarchies isn’t that good a metaphor given the principle …

: We track downloads with Progress (NSProgress) and add that as a child of the Progress shown in the …

: I would have let my Tweetbot subscription renew in early February. I guess it was removed from sale, …

: I set up a basic help page for my reading app, linked from the top-level nav in the app. It’s odd …

: An annoying little thing since Xcode 14 is sometimes the editor loses keyboard focus when jumping …

: Fantastical subscription just renewed after a 54% price increase. It’s a terrific app (one of the …

: Switch over to ActivityPub/Mastodon name @douglas@pub.douglashill.co is complete. I want to write …

: I’ll switch my ActivityPub (Mastodon) address from @_@blog.douglashill.co to …

: Spent a bit of time updating my reading app’s lists to use more standard UI. Cut the code down by …

: We have a review of PDF Viewer for Android comparing the precise temperature their phone gets when …

: In around 48 hours, I’ll change my ActivityPub (Mastodon) address from @_@blog.douglashill.co to …

: Rotating an iPad home screen without widgets is the worst of both worlds: icon spacing is uneven AND …

: Naming an ActivityPub server (mostly Mastodon) with “social” in the domain name is missing a trick …

: Switching my Safari search engine from Ecosia back to DuckDuckGo. Number and size of ads with Ecosia …

: I’m intrigued how Pages on iOS displays localised font styles. I guess it might have an adjective …

: An update to my reading app is out that adds Shortcuts actions to automate and integrate with other …

: Ostensibly proving I’m not a robot, but actually practising my French vocab.

: A bit icy but otherwise great conditions in Ischgl/Samnaun today. AKA Expensive Swiss Lunch Day.

: Realised a couple of recent articles showed up on Micro.blog and Twitter but not in feeds. For the …

: I didn’t notice this Reload Organizer command before. You can use to force Xcode to fetch new crash …

: We have a PDF Viewer app user who updates their 1 star review after most updates to express …

: There’s something up with the language model in iOS dictation that resulted in it transcribing …

: Mixed conditions in the Zillertal to start my ski season. I understand it’s been dry until recently …

: App Store ads are still keeping it classy. (To be fair, “meetup” could be interpreted this way, but …

: I just found iOS 16 added viewing/copying the password of a known Wi-Fi network. Go to Settings > …

: ⚡️🚙 London ➡️ Innsbruck, over two days. It’s time for mountains and skiing.

: Just testing my micro blog. Here‘s some recent baking.